Whether you have been job searching for 2 days or 2 years, it is easy to feel unmotivated and discouraged when you’re unable to find roles suitable for you. In reality, job hunting may not be your typical idea of “fun”, but that doesn’t mean that you should hate it! In fact, there are many ways to make job searching enjoyable. Keep reading to find out how!

1. Reinvent Yourself
Okay, hear us out – when was the last time you really updated your CV? Or updated it to fully cater to a specific job role? Or, more importantly, edited it to reflect the person that you are now, and the goals you want to achieve?
If you’ve followed us for a while, you will know that we always advise job seekers to tailor their CVs to the jobs they are applying for, as we know how often that is overlooked. So, if you haven’t updated your CV recently, this is your friendly reminder to do so!
Once you have assessed your current career situation and where you want to be (more on career planning here), get started on writing your CV so that it tells a story about who you are and where your goals lie. With the right words and flow, you can make the simplest of CVs portray the best version of yourself.
Focus on the power words, achievements and accomplishments that relate to your goals the most, rather than wasting valuable CV space on skills and work history that isn’t relevant to your career plan or the job(s) you are applying for. By doing this, you will effectively showcase the best of your abilities and make your personality shine off the page.
You can also make your job search fun by embracing the modern digital world and diving into social media to execute your job search.
Start by changing your LinkedIn profile picture and cover photo. Once your aesthetics are defined, you can then add all of your education details, work experience, and skills to your LinkedIn profile in order to present your story and your goals exactly the way that you want – just like you have done with your CV!
With your profile ready, you are all set to connect with people who are already doing the job that you want (and/or at the company you want to work at) and start posting about the professional aspects that relate to your dream career. Being visible in your industry is important if you want to be exposed to new opportunities, and it can be a lot of fun networking!
Are you on LinkedIn yet?
2. Get Out of Your Comfort Zone
Have you thought about reformulating your job search? Everybody has specific skills and interests that influence the way they hunt for jobs, and we should make the most of them, but hanging on to what we know is bound to make any activity boring – it is time to get out of your comfort zone!
If you have an office-based job where you spend 85% of your time looking at computer screens, the prospect of job searching through online job boards and never-ending emails may scream “BORING,” even if that’s what you truly excel at. If this is you, and you want to make your job search fun, face-to-face networking events might be just the thing for you! Tons of networking events are advertised every day on sites like Linkedin and Eventbrite, and the best thing about them is that you can transport your amazing interpersonal skills straight to the networking venue – or Zoom call.
Networking events may feel overwhelming, especially if you are not used to interacting with so many people in such environments. However, they can be immensely helpful to your job search and open doors to the world of role referrals. Did you know that 80% of jobs are not advertised? (Addler, Linkedin, 2012)
Likewise, if your current or previous job involved lots of socialising, the idea of entering a networking event full of people may instantaneously drain your job searching spirit. If talking and interacting with people is one of your greatest skills, why not try to do it digitally? Venture into the world of online networking and social media where you can talk to your peers and advertise your skills from the comfort of your home (read more about social media networking here).
A change in scenery is a great way to switch it up and make your job search fun! It is also a great way to push you out of your comfort zone and further expand your skills.
3. Reward Yourself
Searching for a job can be a lengthy and disheartening process. Why not beat the job search blues by rewarding yourself every time you reach a job search milestone?
For example, you could treat yourself to a well-deserved break and takeaway meal after searching and successfully applying for 5 job roles. Or meet with a friend for brunch and coffee after you have re-written your CV to reflect your goals.
Of course, the ultimate reward would be to receive a job offer, but until that happens you can make the job such fun by rewarding your accomplishments (however big or small they may be). Treating yourself will keep you motivated, validate your efforts and ensure that you continue to strive for what you want to achieve.
Searching for a job is challenging, even if you try to make it fun by adopting the steps above. Evenfields Careers and Evenfields Community is a great place to start your career planning journey. Follow our social media pages for daily employability tips and advice, as well as our LinkedIn and Facebook groups (where you will be able to connect with hundreds of professionals from various fields in the UK). For more information and guidance, please check out our range of Black Careers Matter employability courses, which cover job searching, career planning and lots more!
#JobSearch #HowToMakeJobSearchFun #CVWriting #Networking #Reward #TreatYourself